Frequently asked questions

How is dlcBTC different from wBTC or other wrapped Bitcoin?

wBTC, tBTC and others require you to send your BTC to their custody. With dlCBTC, your Bitcoin remains in your custody, in a locked state.

What makes dlcBTC more secure than other wrapped Bitcoin solutions?

dlcBTC's use of DLCs, paired with a network of decentralized attestors, eliminates the risk of theft. The BTC depositor "self-wraps" to lock with himself, and only the original depositor can ever receive BTC funds..

How does dlcBTC ensure user sovereignty?

dlcBTC maintains user sovereignty by allowing Bitcoin holders to keep ownership and control over their assets at all times, unlike custodial and bridged models that require BTC to be transferred to third parties.

What roles do attestors play in the dlcBTC ecosystem?

Attestors in dlcBTC provide decentralized verification of peg-in and peg-out transactions on Ethereum. They secure the locking and unlocking of Bitcoin without holding user keys, offering an additional layer of security and trust.